
Hi there,

I've not been involved into Java for a while. Lately I did an application for my personal use which uses date and time. But as there is no Date and Time Picker in Java yet I started to get interested in JavaFX. As JavaFX 8 is the newest version to be I don't want to bother with obsolete versions and start learning this with Java 8 embedded version.
Many people meet issues while trying to install Java8 Support and moreover JavaFX 8 support.
I've gone through these issues too and it is pretty frustrating not being able to install a thing or another because some dependences would be missing. For me e(fx)clipse is not installing because of some missing FXGraph dependence. The project page is not very useful in solving the issue.
After having searched for useful infos for hours I finally had an answer that works at Eclipse forums.

It seems to have installed the plugin by installing it through that URL:

So please install the dependencies and the necessarie through the install new software option.

Next step is to follow this links instruction eventhough it seems outdated.
I'm waiting for the first JavaFX 8 books to get released in a few months around July to catch one. Being Eclipse oriented would be an asset.